Obolon head coach: "The players' motivation for the match against Dynamo is off the charts"

Before the Ukrainian Premier League derby with Dynamo Kyiv, Obolon head coach Valerii Ivashchenko spoke about his team's attitude and preparation for the match.

Valerii Ivashchenko (photo: fc.obolon.ua)

- How did the team spend the off-season?

- Together with the coaching staff, we did everything possible to prepare the guys psychologically, mentally and physically for the championship. We have a young team and many of them have no experience of playing in the Premier League. The coaching staff are also new to this business, so to speak. We tried to strengthen ourselves according to our capabilities and budget, did everything possible to prepare. In short, the championship will show.

- What are your impressions after returning to the elite division after eleven years of absence?

- We could have scored in both the first and second half. As soon as we added a little speed, the game became different. It was noticeable that the guys were worried, although we encouraged them in every possible way. Moreover, we played a friendly match with Kolos at the base and beat them. Basically, the whole struggle was with excitement: we were afraid to make mistakes, to make unnecessary movements. I want the players to gain experience in the UPL as soon as possible. Preferably with positive results. This will give the players confidence in themselves and contribute to their development.

The president congratulated us on this after the match, thanked the guys and said he would help us. We are grateful that the management supports football in this difficult time.

- What are Obolon's goals for the season?

- To gain a foothold, to get used to the rhythm of the league, the game, the dynamics and speed. It would be good to gain a foothold in the UPL as a decent mid-table side, and then we can set specific goals for the future. Right now we are like a new car - we are still running in. We need to try hard, to fight back, not to be a whipping boy. The guys are motivated and determined, and the football field will not fool anyone - everything will be seen there.

- How did you agree to postpone the match with Dynamo a day earlier?

- Dynamo's management asked us to move the match a day earlier because they have a European match and need to prepare. We made concessions, especially since we have more time to prepare for this game, as we played our first-round match on Friday.

- How are you preparing for the game against Kyiv?

- We are preparing as usual. What we have worked out at the training camp will not disappear. The main thing is that the players do not burn out, come out calmly and show what they have at the moment. To make them feel that they can play with such hailstorms. Another important factor is the motivation of our players, and it is off the charts. Playing against teams like Dynamo brings good results because you can test and prove yourself.

- What are your impressions of the White and Blues' game?

- Those who didn't see the game could say that the 4-1 victory was easy, although Kyiv were losing 0-1, had a penalty, but took advantage of a mistake in the opposition's defence and scored two goals. Psychologically, it was easier for Dynamo, but Minaj could have come back, and the third and fourth goals were not easy for Kyiv.

The game turned out to be a good one, not a one-goal affair. Everything could have gone either way. "Dynamo pulled out the match due to better realisation of chances and class. They have more experience, despite the fact that they have a lot of young players. After the experience of European Cup matches, they are more psychologically stable in the UPL.

- Have you found any weaknesses in Dynamo's game?

- Every team has them. The task is to find them and implement them. Football is loved for its unpredictability, and even the greats lose. No one can predict the outcome 100%. We will do everything to achieve the result, and the football will decide who was the best.

- How important is Yarmolenko's return for Kyiv?

- In terms of experience, young players have a lot to learn - it's more of a plus than a minus. Yarmolenko has something to show and teach. Experienced players should always charge and motivate. It's the same as a coach on the football field.

- Which young Dynamo players can you single out now?

- Dubinchak, Tymchyk, Vanat, Shepelev. They are young by football standards, but they already have experience of playing in the European arena. They have good potential that they can develop further. There's also Shaparenko, who is "wandering" between experience and youth. In general, Dynamo's team is balanced.

- Have there been any talks about loaning Dynamo players?

- We have a club policy not to take on loan players, because in this way we prepare players for other teams. Anything can happen, but we rely on our own players, our own trainees. A loanee can leave at any time and these gaps need to be filled by someone. If we train a player for another club, we close the door to our players. For example, our striker Ihor Krasnopir - a year ago he played for the region and district, and then he went to the first league and ended up in the UPL. He has even been called up to the youth team and attended training camps. We find such players from the grassroots, discover them and allow them to fulfil themselves.

- What can Obolon offer Dynamo in the capital's derby?

- We will try to play the football that we practice in training and in games. "Dynamo is a tough team. If we have reached the Premier League, then in every game we need to earn points, to earn our credibility in the UPL. Through victories and a good game, you can earn credibility among the elite of Ukrainian football.

When playing with newcomers, teams often think that these are passing matches. Teams at the bottom of the standings have nothing to lose. They want to "bite off a piece". Matches like the one with Dynamo don't happen often. I would like to see more such confrontations.

Mykola Tymoshchuk

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    03.08.2023 20:02
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