Igor Tsyganik: "We can not fail to mention Vanat. I am waiting for his goal against Obolon either

Famous Ukrainian TV presenter Igor Tsyganik shared his prediction for the match of the 2nd round of the Ukrainian championship between Kyiv Obolon and Dynamo, which will be held today in the capital.

Igor Tsyganik

"Still incomprehensible for me Obolon, judging by their starting game against Kolos (0:0). They managed heroically not to lose. With Dynamo the Brewers should also play from defence, they will act as closed as possible, hindering the favourite.

But Dynamo should definitely beat Obolon, because the newcomer is still getting used to the UPL, has no such experience. With Minay (4:1) the Bilo-Syni conceded a quick goal into their own net on a mistake, then immediately took the lead, got Popov's penalty, but due to the class they managed to win.

This time I also count on Dynamo's advantage against Obolon both at the expense of class and individual skill. I predict that the Bilo-Syni will be able to score more than two goals. I cannot but mention Vladislav Vanat - I expect his next accurate shot," Tsyganik said.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    04.08.2023 09:00
    Ванат зараз дуже подобається своєю активністю, заряженністю на ворота суперника, і особливо тим, що вміє бити, як лівою так і правою ногою, що в нашому футболі є рідкістю!!
    Сподіваюсь, що його гольова феєрія продовжиться але найголовніше, щоб Не Було травм!!!!
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