Serhiy Rebrov: "Zinchenko and Shevchenko called me and invited me. I immediately said: "Yes".

Head coach of the Ukraine national football team Serhiy Rebrov has commented on holding a charity match in support of Ukraine.

Sergei Rebrov

- I think it is a very important thing for our country. We have support in Europe, we have the support of football stars. They show it on the pitch with their presence. I am sure that this help, this match will help those children, those people who really need it.

We told all the participants of the match what is happening in Ukraine. They really listened, they are helping even without this match, they don't need to be reminded. What they are doing now is really important for us.

How did I get an invitation to this match? Zinchenko and Shevchenko called me and invited me. There were no thoughts, I immediately said: "Yes". I am very happy to be present at this meeting. I am sure that we are united now, we are together. I am sure that very soon we will have our victory. Everyone who is here, all the people in Europe - they support us. I am sure that we will win together," Rebrov said on Shakhtar's club TV channel.
