Palkin wanted to leave Shakhtar but changed his mind after a call from Akhmetov

Shakhtar CEO Serhiy Palkin could leave the Donetsk club and go to work for Spanish Sevilla. This was reported by a former employee of Media Group Ukraine, Dmytro Pasichnyk, in his Telegram channel.

Sergey Palkin

According to the source, Palkin could have gone to work at Sevilla, but refused the offer after a call from Shakhtar president Rinat Akhmetov. The conversation with the Pitmen's manager took place on the night of 9 August.

It is known that Palkin eventually decided to stay at Shakhtar, while the club offered him more favourable financial terms than the Spaniards.

Recall, Palkin has been working at Shakhtar since 2003. At first, the functionary held the position of financial director, and later he became the general director of the Donetsk club.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    09.08.2023 16:38
    Ахметов ночью позвонил Палкину, а потом Пасичнику, чтоб доложить о чем договорился с Палкиным. Ага. Верю.:-)
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