"Vorskla" issued a statement in response to information about the conflict of the club's management with Skrypnyk

Poltava's Vorskla have issued a statement in response to the recent information that a conflict between the team's head coach Viktor Skrypnyk and one of the club's executives arose after the Ukrainian championship match with Ruh.

Viktor Skrypnyk

"Officially: football club "Vorskla" informs that the information about the internal conflict between the club management and coaching staff, presented by some media, is not true.

After the game with "Rukh" in Lviv there was a normal conversation, without interference in each other's work. We have no doubts, the victories are ahead. We believe in the team!", - said in the message "Vorskla", posted on the page of the club in the social network Instagram.

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  • Piligrim . - Читатель
    10.08.2023 11:44
    Если всё во взаимоотношениях между руководством клуба и тренером, а также между тренером и игроками нормально результат должеен быть хорошим. В таком случае не совсем понятно почему результата нет. Вроде бы Скрипник не раз доказывал свою профпригодность.
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