Bogdan Lednev: "I'm ready to play today"

As we reported, former Dynamo midfielder Bohdan Lednev has joined Dnipro-1. We're getting to know him in quick succession as he prepares for the game against Slavia.

Bohdan Lednev (photo:

- Your transfer has happened so quickly: you arrived yesterday, had your first training session, and today you can play. Are you ready?

- I am very happy to be in this team. It always sets itself the highest goals, and I came to help achieve them. As for the game, yes, I talked to the coach and I'm ready to play today.

- How did the welcome corridor hold up yesterday?

- (Smiles.) Everything was fine, in a positive atmosphere. It was a good corridor. I survived it.

- You immediately started to communicate more with Oleksandr Svatko. Do you remember him from your academy days?

- Yes, Svatok is a very good friend of mine. I also know many other guys, because we played together at the youth level. So I think there will be no problems with adaptation.

- You started as a right midfielder and then played more under the strikers. Where do you feel more comfortable now?

- Indeed, I played in both of these positions. Now I am ready to help the team in any of them.

- What have you learnt about Slavia and what do you expect from the two-match clash with them?

- Yesterday we had a theoretical session, we analysed their game. "Slavia is a good, strong team. But if we play as planned, I think we will have a good chance of moving on.

- At the training session the day before, you had the opportunity to feel the pitch, which causes a lot of complaints. What is wrong with it and can it be a factor against our team?

- The pitch is torn up in pieces, but we are professionals and we have to choose the right shoes to minimise the likelihood of problems.

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