"Shakhtar Donetsk have lodged a complaint with FIFA against Galatasaray and Tete, demanding the Brazilian be suspended from foot

"Shakhtar filed a complaint with FIFA against Galatasaray over the transfer of Brazilian midfielder Tete. This is reported by Fotospor portal.


According to the source, Shakhtar accuse Galatasaray that the Turkish club signed Tete without paying the appropriate compensation, which was requested by the Ukrainian club. The other day, the Turkish club announced the transfer of the Brazilian midfielder, who moved on a de facto free agent basis, taking advantage of FIFA Annexe 7.

As for Tete himself, Shakhtar are demanding that FIFA ban the player from football, as the Brazilian moved to another club with a valid agreement with the Pitmen. The main argument: Tete returned to Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

It should be noted that Tete was indeed in Ukraine in early June and took part in an amateur tournament.

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  • Ба вовна - Старожил
    14.08.2023 08:47
    Власне скаржитися треба було б тоді на саму ФІФА яка ці правила придумала. А так поскаржилися ФІФА на те що хтось використав їх власні правила? Це щоб керівництву відзвітувати, мов гроші на юридичний відділ витрачаються не марно?
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