Oleksandr Riabokon: "As long as Putin is alive and in power, the war will continue"

Oleksandr Riabokon, former head coach of Desna Chernihiv, who has been in the Armed Forces since February last year, talks about the main condition for Ukraine's victory in the war against the Russian aggressor.

Alexander Ryabokon

- Alexander Dmitrievich, where are you now, what are you doing?

- Nothing has changed in my life so far. I'm in the Left Bank military training centre, subordinated to the 112th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, serving in Kyiv and the region.

- The war has been going on for two years. Do you feel any psychological fatigue?

- We have no right to be tired and no right to go to psychologists. It's hard for everyone now, especially those in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine. In Kyiv, it's a bit easier in this respect, so I'm not used to complaining.

- You have been in the Armed Forces for a long time. How do you see our victory and when?

- I would like it to be as soon as possible, but no one can give a clear answer to this question because not everything depends on Ukraine. We need the help of the entire civilised world to supply us with more and faster modern weapons. For the final victory, we need to destroy the root of evil - Putin. As long as he is alive and in power, the war will continue. This is my personal opinion.

We need to liberate our entire territory from enemy occupation. If the soldiers and the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces say that we need to take our time, then they know better. Initially, we thought we would deal with the occupiers in a year and a half, but as it turned out, we needed more time. The victory will still be ours, and sooner or later, a peaceful life without Putin will come.

Andriy Piskun

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  • Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    18.08.2023 15:01
    На жаль, там все керівництво недо-країною таке!
    Деякі західні аналітики вважають що справжнього путіна давно нема в живих, а країною править лАавров, та меншою мірою пАтрушев, (як колись банда комуністів в сРСР пряталась за спиною давно неспроможнього Брежнева). Не_дарма ж холуї з фСБ ходять слідом за двійниками, збирають лайно та стирають відбитки пальців!
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