"Dnipro-1" is negotiating with a foreign coach who used to coach "Twente"

"Dnipro-1" is now negotiating with foreign coach Gonzalo Garcia, journalist Igor Burbas reports in his Telegram channel.

Gonzalo Garcia

According to the source, this 39-year-old specialist is one of the candidates for the position of Dnipro coach. The biggest difficulty in negotiations with Garcia is the issue of security. After all, after the completion of the performance in the European Cup (which may come in a week) Dnipro-1 will change its base from Uzhgorod to Dnipro's hometown, which is relatively close to the front line.

Garcia already has experience as a head coach at two clubs - Dutch side Twente and Croatian side Istra, which he left after last season.

We shall remind you that the previous head coach of Dnipro-1 Oleksandr Kucher resigned from his position after the defeat to Obolon (1:2) in yesterday's match of the 4th round of the Ukrainian championship.

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  • Ба вовна - Старожил
    21.08.2023 10:33
    Втрата Довбика тому і виявилась такою критичною, що Кучер слабкий тренер і вся його тактика гри зводилася до "вантажте на Довбика" або ж "віддайте м'яч Піхаленку". Втрата будь якого з цих гравців приводила до непорозуміння що робити. І перебудувати гру команді Кучер не зміг.
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