Yuriy Vernidub: "With such refereeing we can get to the point that soon they will beat faces right on the pitch".

Kryvbas head coach Yuriy Vernidub shared his opinion on the problems with refereeing in Ukraine.

Yuriy Vernidub

"In my opinion, has no right assistant coach, or anyone else, when a woman is refereeing, to shout insulting words in her address. But you see what is done in refereeing in our country. If even Roman Grigorchuk gave a whole tirade about it... It means that Vernidub is not the only one who does not like to lose.

When it is human, as it should be: you lose, shake your colleague's hand and leave, and when your team is frankly killed, there is discontent. Examples: Grigorchuk, Rotan... With such refereeing we can get to the point where soon they will beat faces right on the pitch," Vernidub said.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    29.08.2023 17:16
    Ото вже буде сміху, коли судді одягатимуть на голову шлеми хокейних воротарів!!
    Хоча, мабуть, варто починати з усім відомого "Будинку футболу", де й сидять всілякі "рішали" результатів матчів, які ще й не починались.
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