Serhii Rebrov: "Yermak was the initiator of my return to Ukraine, and we talked to President Zelensky for 40 minutes about footb

The head coach of the Ukrainian national team, Serhii Rebrov, spoke about why he decided to return to work in Ukraine.

Sergei Rebrov. Photo:

"I have known Andrii Yermak for a long time, even before he became an assistant to the President of Ukraine. He is a very decent person, we communicate quite often. He was the initiator of my returning to Ukraine and working with the national team. It was before the full-scale Russian invasion. I am very grateful to Andriy and the people who helped me return to Ukraine.

I also came to Ukraine several times when I was still working in the UAE and talked to our President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I was very surprised that the President of Ukraine talked to me about football for at least 40 minutes.

After the conversation, I couldn't believe it - when the President has so many things to do, tasks for the state, but he manages to do everything - he follows and tries to develop our football. It's hard to do now, but the fact that he is interested is very important for football. I am personally very grateful to them for what they do for all of us," Rebrov said in an interview with the Bombardier YouTube channel.

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  • Maksym Bezuhlyi(XpertVision) - Старожил
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