Kolomoyskyy was handed a suspicion of fraud and money laundering

The Security Service of Ukraine, the Economic Security Bureau and the Prosecutor-General's Office have handed the unofficial owner of Dnipro-1, Ihor Kolomoyskyy, a suspicion under several articles of the Criminal Code, theUkrayinska Pravdanews and analysis website has reported.

Igor Kolomoisky

According to UP sources, the matter concerns Articles 190 and 209 of the Criminal Code: fraud and legalisation (laundering) of property obtained by criminal means. The suspicion was handed in during the search. Prosecutors will apply for detention with the alternative of bail, approximate to the amount of damage.

The special service notes: it is established that during 2013-2020 years Igor Kolomoisky legalised more than half a billion UAH by their withdrawal abroad, using the infrastructure of controlled banking institutions.

Pre-trial investigation under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General continues.

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  • Ihor(IAKosta) - Наставник
    02.09.2023 13:34
    З такими як Коломойський діє правило спортивного риболовства: піймав, сфотогрфував, відпустив.
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