Serhiy Kryvtsov: "Messi, Alba and Busquets support Ukraine"

2023-09-04 21:55 Inter Miami defender Serhii Kryvtsov talks about the club's star newcomers: Lionel Messi, Jordi Alba and ... Serhiy Kryvtsov: "Messi, Alba and Busquets support Ukraine"
04.09.2023, 21:55

Inter Miami defender Serhii Kryvtsov talks about the club's star newcomers: Lionel Messi, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets, as well as the new head coach Gerardo Martino.

Sergey Krivtsov

- I must admit that it was not a big surprise for me that they could come to Inter. When I signed the contract, I had an insight that Busquets would join soon, and there was also talk about Leo. I wasn't 100% sure it would happen, but I was hoping. This is a great opportunity to train and play with such players who have won everything in football. It gives you the opportunity to learn new things and gain experience. Everyone has seen how much Inter's results have changed in the last ten games, and I think these guys have made a significant contribution to that.

- How sociable are they?

- Unfortunately, for me, only Busquets speaks English. I know that Jordi and Leo are already learning it.

- Do they know about the war in Ukraine?

- They are aware of the situation. They did not ask about the details, but everyone knows about everything, they sympathise and support.

- Do they have any concessions in the training process?

- No, neither the coaching staff nor anyone else gives them any discounts. I'll say more - in addition to standard training, they always do some extra work in the fitness room, go for recovery procedures. So I can say for 100% that they are great professionals in their field!

- We can see that in addition to the significant improvement in results with the signing of the star trio, interest in your team has also increased.

- It is true. But a new coaching staff has come in, and the results have improved significantly. Now every game is sold out. A lot of people are waiting in front of the base and under the hotels at away games. Everyone thinks Messi is the greatest footballer in history and wants to see him at least through the glass of a bus or hotel.

- What do you think of the new coach Martino?

- He brought a lot of changes, from everyday life to the training process. Theoretical lessons have changed. Each session lasts at least half an hour, we study the opponents' strategy thoroughly and work on our mistakes. So this is one of the stones to great results in the future.

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