"Panathinaikos" excluded Verbic from the Europa League bid

Panathinaikos midfielder Benjamin Verbic will not play for his current club in the Europa League.

Benjamin Verbic

Sportday.gr reports that the head coach of Greek Panathinaikos Ivan Jovanovic decided to exclude Verbic from the team's application for the group round of the Europa League. It is known that instead of the Slovenian midfielder in the team's application is a newcomer, centre-back Eric Palmer-Brown.

We shall remind you that Verbic moved to Panathinaikos from Dinamo in 2022 as a free agent.

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Best comment
  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    05.09.2023 16:39
    Такова спортивная жизнь. А ведь было время, когда Вербич был очень приличным игроком. Даже в Динамо, вначале Вербич демонстрировал очень качественный футбол.
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