Former UEFA delegate and a well-known former referee Konstantin Vihrov has spoken about the problems that currently exist in Ukrainian football.

- Football is the most popular sport that unites millions of people around the world. It is a fascinating spectacle that features speed, dribbling, colourful combinations, forceful one-on-one battles, and beautiful goals. To maintain the game order, that is, the rules, the participants of the match is also a team of referees.
Admittedly, I am very concerned about what is happening in our championship lately. The skill level of the teams has fallen, and refereeing raises a lot of questions. The number of offences directly depends on the preparation of players, their individual skills, correct execution of the reception of the ball, compliance with the rules of the game. Therefore, more game offences are usually committed by teams from the lower part of the standings.
Violations are interpreted by referees, unfortunately, in different ways. But a uniform interpretation of the rules is in many respects the key to quality officiating. Also in our championship the interaction between VAR and referees in the field is poorly worked out, in this respect there are serious complaints in UPL matches.
It is also quite unclear, where is the evaluation of referees' work, analysis and interpretation of controversial moments, who is punished and for what? Or everything is fine, and fans, coaches, players are upset and talk about referees for nothing?
When I was working in the football federation, there was an expert commission, to which complaints from the teams were submitted - both written and video materials. Having studied the issue, the commission made a verdict on this or that case and passed the case to the panel of judges for punishment or denial. It should be noted that the expert commission was not subordinate to any of the structures of the federation.
At present, everything has been simplified to the point that it is not clear at all who manages the judicial corps? Who considers complaints about refereeing, where can we see the results of analyses of referees' work?
FIFA and UEFA are now developing a system for training referees with the involvement of former players with extensive playing experience. Such courses will start with amateur teams with gradual transfer of referees to higher divisions according to recommendations. I think that this is a good endeavour, by the way, earlier in our football there was also a similar practice. For example, referees of the highest league Avdysh, Panchik, Pyannykh and others started their refereeing careers in amateur leagues.
Training of referees should start with the proper selection of candidates, who should be interviewed by a psychologist and other sports medicine specialists. It is necessary to invite foreign acting referees to give lectures and masterclasses. It is important to involve former football players in training at referee courses, because who but they know all the subtleties and wisdom of the game not from books, but from their practice.
I realise that times in Ukraine are difficult now, but if we are going to continue the football traditions of domestic football in deed, and not in words, then we need to work thoroughly on arbitration. Otherwise, we will continue to contemplate the slow decline in the level of our football to the amateur level.
Viktor Peregnyak