Oleksandr Hatskevich: "Mudryk was disappointing. He was not visible neither in attack nor in defence"

Former Dynamo coach Oleksandr Khatskevych shared his thoughts on the Ukraine national team's 1-1 match against England in the Euro 2024 qualifiers.

Alexander Hatskevich

"The line-up was predictable. Perhaps, it was a bit surprising that Yaremchuk appeared from the first minutes, and not Dovbyk."

- Oleksandr Mykolayovych, what are your first impressions of the match?

- Compared to the first match against England, today the organisation of the game, the dedication were excellent, and the result is good.

- After the first matches, many people said that Rebrov had little time, and now the national team of Ukraine can already be called Rebrov's team?

- The higher the level of the players, the faster they accept the coach's requirements. As for the organisation and the result (we took seven points out of nine), we can already say that this is a coaching team.

- Were there any surprises for you in the starting line-up of Ukraine?

- The line-up was predictable. Perhaps it was a little surprising that Yaremchuk appeared from the first minutes, not Dovbyk. But both strikers do not have much playing practice at their clubs yet and are still in search of themselves.

- Sudakov played only his second match after undergoing appendectomy. Perhaps it was worth calling up Malinowski after all?

- They are players of slightly different levels and positions. Sudakov played in the number ten, and when Stepanenko dropped down to third centre-back, Heorhiy played as the second centre-back. Our goal is a credit to Sudakov. He took the ball away and carried it across the pitch. Malinowski is a completely different kind of footballer.

Yes, perhaps Sudakov lacked tone, but the guy withstood as much as he could. He was quite confident in both defence and attack. Georgii took part in all the draws that led to Ukraine's chances.

"Mudryk is a young guy, he still has everything ahead of him"

- How would you rate the performance of our top players - Tsygankov, Zinchenko and Mudryk?

- These are guys who know how to work with the ball, and in this game they had to work without the ball, so it was difficult for them. Tsygankov took part in the effective combination thanks to his pre-goal pass, he passed in time, Zinchenko broke in and scored. Maybe Oleksandr took some risks with his passes for the aggravation, but he is very good with the ball. Zinchenko added confidence, calmness and kept the pace of the game in those moments when Ukraine had the ball.

As for Mudryk, he was disappointing. He was not visible either in attack or defence. He had a few chances to accelerate, but Walker didn't let him do anything at all.

Mikhail cannot take credit for this game because it is not enough to rely on speed and space alone. The players from the Premier League already know how he plays, so he needs to be more versatile and a more cunning player.

- A lot is expected of Mudryk at Chelsea, but so far he hasn't managed to prove himself. Do you think he will break down and be able to play at the top level?

- He is a young guy, he still has everything ahead of him. Mudryk just needs to understand that playing with speed alone is not enough, you also need to be a creative and team player.

Why should he break down? He's doing well. Mykhailo plays in the top championship, in one of the best teams in England, and, thank God, he is not suffering from injuries. So his life is not so difficult. You have to believe in Mudryk and trust him, that's all.

"In England, players run faster with their backs than Vanat. Yaremchuk and Dovbyk are more experienced, more mobile and stronger players"

- Let's analyse our conceded goal. Was it Mykolenko's fault that he failed to intercept the cross?

- Only two England players are to blame for the goal - Kane, who made a great long pass, and Walker, who broke into the area. The execution was at a very high level, so I wouldn't blame Mykolenko.

- After the first half, Rebrov immediately replaced Matvienko with Kryvtsov. Why do you think that was?

- Only Rebrov knows the answer to this question. Perhaps Matvienko has some health restrictions. I don't think Mykola failed in the game. He was quite effective in defence.

- Some national team players don't get enough game practice in their clubs: the same Mykolenko, Mudryk, Dovbyk, Yaremchuk. What to do in this situation?

- Who should be included in the national team instead?

- For example, Vanat in the attack.

- Vanat is a slightly different kind of striker. In England, players run faster than Vlad, so you can't count on his speed in such a match. Yaremchuk and Dovbyk are more experienced, more mobile and stronger players.

Vanat is good when there is a positional attack in a small space, but in a large space he will not run away and will not beat you one-on-one.

- What do you think of our veteran Stepanenko's performance? Perhaps we should already prepare a replacement for him in the person of Brazko?

- Look at Stepanenko's eyes, his experience and dedication. Perhaps he lacks creativity, but he has a different task - to take the ball away in the central area. Brazhko is a player of a slightly different plan. In addition, we have not yet seen him in high-level matches. He needs to be given some time to prove himself, he has everything ahead of him. Today Stepanenko is the captain and main player of the national team.

"I'll give the award to the best player to Bushchan for his light touch at the decisive moment of the match"

- We have been playing England quite often lately. What is the difference between this draw and defeats: 0-2 under Rotan and 0-4 under Shevchenko?

- In principle, the organisation in all the games was quite high. Other players were playing then, maybe there were other requirements. If in the first game England beat Ukraine quite easily, today it didn't work out.

- Was it an underestimate?

- I wouldn't say so. The English kept the game under control, conceded a goal on the counter-attack, but continued to control the ball. However, there was no particular pressure on Bushchan's goal, Ukraine defended with a low block. The plan of Rebrov's team was clear.

I believe that the key moment in the match was Bushchan's save. If Ukraine had conceded, then we would have had to open up, and England used the space well. 1-1 is a positive result for Ukraine.

- Do you have a score for the game?

- Of course. The English did not have one hundred per cent chances and it cannot be said that they strained Bushchan. There was one moment, but Zhora saved it. Basically, he rarely had to enter the game. Many of the English passes were intercepted and shots were blocked.

Perhaps I would have liked to see a little more from Ukraine in attack and better execution of standards. There is potential to grow here. Dovbyk and Yaremchuk, if they play for their clubs, will be more aggressive and put more pressure on the opponent's goal.

- Who will you give the Lion of the Match award to?

- I'll give the award to the best player, Bushchan, for his light touch at a crucial moment in the match.

"If in the matches against Malta and Northern Macedonia you can take a risk, then in a game where you have to work without the ball, Yarmolenko is no help. This is not Andriy's strong point."

- What do you expect from the match against Italy? Will it be harder or easier for Ukraine than against England?

- Of course, it will be much harder. Firstly, it's an away game, and secondly, the Italians have also lost points and need a win. The main thing is for the Ukrainian players to recover and follow the instructions of the coaching staff. I hope that luck will also be on Ukraine's side.

- If Yarmolenko makes a full recovery, will we see him in the match against Italy?

- Everything will depend on his condition in these three days. Andriy missed three weeks and has only recently started training. Against Italy, we have to have players who are 100 per cent ready. While in the matches against Malta and Northern Macedonia we can take risks, in a game where we have to work without the ball, Yarmolenko is no help. This is not Andriy's strong point.

I think we won't see much rotation in the match against Italy.

- What result can the Ukrainian national team expect in Italy?

- Any set of points will be considered a positive result.

- What are our chances of qualifying for Euro 2024?

- The England national team is currently quite confident in terms of the game and the points scored. For Ukraine, two matches against Italy will be key. If we can't win, then at least we shouldn't lose. Italy is our main rival in the fight for second place in the group.

Andriy Piskun
