Ukraine national team has no plans to play a friendly match in the free "window" in November

The Ukrainian national team is not planning to play a friendly match in the nearest free window - in November, when according to the calendar of the Euro 2024 qualifying cycle the Blue-Yellows will have only one match (against Italy). This was reported by the famous Ukrainian TV commentator Viktor Vatsko.

Photo - Alexander Popov

"If we start from the information that we have now, we will not play a friendly match with anyone in November. But, perhaps, in this plan something else will change," - said the journalist on the air of his author's programme "Vatsko Live".

Recall, the November match against Italy (20 November) will be the final for the national team of Ukraine in the group stage of the qualifying cycle of Euro-2024 and it may well decide the fate of the second place in Group "C". Before that, the Ukrainian national team will play two more matches in this tournament - against Northern Macedonia (14 October) and Malta (17 October).

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    15.09.2023 08:57
    Вірне рішення.
    Ми завжди, в спарці, другий матч проводимо неналежним чином.
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