Perica Ognjenovic, a former head coach of Kharkiv Metalist and former player of Dynamo Kyiv, still believes that sport can be outside politics.
When asked directly by Sport-express: "Should the Russians be banned from competitions?", he answered the following:
- I understand what is happening in Ukraine, but I don't want to talk about it in more detail. There are politicians, people who deal with this issue and get paid for it. I am a person who is involved in sports, and I love every nation in the world. Serbian athletes were also disqualified at one time. I believe that athletes are not to blame for wars.
До цих пір пам'ятаю, як всі медалісти світових та європейських першостей ділилися на "масковскіх" та "савєцкіх". Ніколи не зхвучало, що спортсмен український чи литовський
футбола, реклама о поддержке СВО на трибунах, махание флажками и т.д...
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