Buyalski could become Messi's team-mate

Dynamo midfielder Vitalii Buyalskyi could have joined Inter Miami a year ago. This was reported by journalist Mykhailo Spivakovsky on TaToTake.

Vitalii Buyalskyi. Photo by Yuriy Yuriev

"Buyalsky constantly has some offers, a year ago Inter Miami wanted to take him. Now the situation is as follows: I spoke to Igor Surkis and he said that these are all rumours and there are no concrete offers. He also said that there is an understanding that the sale of any of the leaders will affect the main task of the season - winning the Ukrainian championship," Spivakovsky said.

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Best comment
  • - Phoenix - Наставник
    18.09.2023 16:52
    "Буяльский мог стать одноклубником Месси" (с)
    Лучше бы наоборот.))
    • 5