Shakhtar goalkeeping coach Andriy Pyatov commented on the Pitmen's match in the first round of the Champions League group stage against Porto.
- How would you rate Dmytro Riznyk's performance? It was his debut in the Champions League.
- I congratulated him: he played very well, confidently. I am very happy for him. After such a heavy loss for him, he showed that he is a professional and that he fully gives himself to the game. So I congratulate him and I am very pleased with him.
- How was the atmosphere in the stands? Did you hear the support of the fans?
- Yes, we did. We realise that the majority of people at the stadium are locals. But our native language was heard, our fans were there too, thank them for that. Very warm atmosphere.
- What surprised Porto?
- Nothing surprised me. We prepared, saw and knew how they play. They didn't do something incredible. We ourselves made three mistakes that led to goals. This is the Champions League. Every mistake is important here, because this is the second level. Nobody will forgive.
- What did the head coach said at halftime? The team began to play more focused.
- Yes, we started to play better. Someone was nervous in the first half, someone was pointed out mistakes. We started to move a little bit more somewhere, somewhere we closed more zones. Real chances appeared. We could have hoped for something more.
Сельская газета. Статья про футбол. Текст: "...наша команда забила потрясающий, выдающийся по своей красоте гол, на что команда соперника ответила тремя случайными голами..."
А какой язык, для этого валенка, родной ?
Я взагалi так i не зрозумiв...
И да, после перерыва Порту с пятой передачи перешёл на вторую .
Барса же, весь матч с кротами , будет играть на пятой !!!!
С детства за Барсу !
Нічим не здивував Порту , просто впевнено переміг.
Я всім нашим командам бажаю нас нічим не дивувати. Просто перемагайте суперників !!)
Хай нас дивують інші. Хоча б тим , що нам програють !!))
Сельская газета. Статья про футбол. Текст: "...наша команда забила потрясающий, выдающийся по своей красоте гол, на что команда соперника ответила тремя случайными голами..."
Это сказал Мирча Михайлович Луческу, ещё будучи тренером "шахтёра"!