Former Manchester United head coach: 'Decision to sign Ronaldo turned out to be a mistake'

Former Manchester United head coach Ole Gunnar Sulser has said that the decision to sign Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo in the summer of 2021 was a mistake.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Ole-Gunar Sulser

"Ronaldo's return - it was a very difficult decision to turn down, I felt we should have taken it, but it turned out we were wrong. It felt right when he signed and the fans felt it in the match against Newcastle when Ronaldo scored twice against the opposition at Old Trafford. He was still one of the best strikers in the world," Sulscher told The Athletic.

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  • А Ка(Andy_IF) - Наставник
    20.09.2023 17:04
    слова вирвані з контексту. та і заголовок із стилістики жовтої преси.

    якось несерйозно
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