Serhiy Palkin: "FIFA has destroyed Ukrainian football"

Shakhtar Donetsk CEO Serhiy Palkin has again criticised FIFA.

Sergey Palkin

- FIFA destroyed Ukrainian football, destroyed our foundation and our competitiveness. At the beginning of the war, we still had 40 million in outstanding transfer payments on our balance sheet, because a common option is to pay in instalments. But after the FIFA decision, the foreigners were able to simply walk away from us and all the revenue disappeared.

There has never been any consultation with FIFA. They always claim that football is one big family, but we were just thrown out. We found agreements with all the foreign players, nobody had to go back to the war zone.

You know who wins the most? The players' agents. They offer players a free transfer from Shakhtar, while they themselves get a lot of money. It's all because of FIFA's decision," Palkin told Bild.

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  • архат . - Начинающий писатель
    21.09.2023 05:02
    Смешно это слышать от человека, чей хозяин главный виновник всего того бардака, что происходит в украинском футболе. А законы кармы еще никто не отменял, поскольку карма – вечный двигатель причины и следствия. От кого зависит ваша жизнь? От вашей личной кармы. Осторожно — бумеранг всегда возвращается!
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