Akhmetov made a promise to Butkevich: details of the meeting of UPL club presidents and the date of the next meeting are known

Yesterday, for the first time in 12 years, a meeting of UPL club presidents took place.

AUVsource who was present at the meeting told us what the club owners had come to. The meeting was attended by nine representatives of the clubs.

"Dynamo (Surkis),

"Dnipro-1 (Friedman)

"Zorya (Geller)

"Polissia (Butkevych)

"Kryvbas (Karamanets)

"Chornomorets (Geninson)

"Veres (Nadein)

"Kolos (Zasukha)

LNZ (Kravchenko)

Some of the presidents were absent due to certain circumstances, not at their own request. All club managers agreed to the meeting. According to a source, Shakhtar owner Rinat Akhmetov personally promised to attend the next meeting.

"Akhmetov called Butkevich and apologised for not being able to attend. But hepromised that he would definitely attend the next meeting."

The media wrote that the meeting was initiated by Butkevich and Nadein, but in fact, there was only one initiator.

"It was entirely Butkevich's idea. Nadein, at his request, invited those he knew personally. The meeting was held at Butkevych's residence, the Equides Club.Thepresident of Polissya wanted to see everyone andget to know them."

It should be noted that the club presidents communicated warmly with each other.

"This meeting was more of an introductory one, everyone was happy to see each other, and we talked in a warm atmosphere. There were no quarrels or mutual accusations. The president of Kryvbas, Karamanets, was very active, putting forward his ideas for improving Ukrainian football. Zasukha said the following: "Until the 16 clubs unite, all our efforts are to hell with it!".

But still, the most important topic was refereeing.

"It's boiling over! And people are no longer ready to tolerate it. Club owners agreed to work on this issue internally. Some are more radical, some are less, but everyone is dissatisfied with the officiating."

Club managers believe that the refereeing system needs to be radically changed and reformed.

"There can't be so many mistakes in each round that cause some suspicion. There were also ideas to put all the judges through a lie detector. At the next meeting, they want to make a joint decision and then appeal to the UAF."

As for the transfer of referees from the UAF to the UPL and the dismissal of Lucha, this is impossible at this stage.

"Some radical club owners suggested removing Luchi and taking the referees out of the UAF's jurisdiction.But these were more emotions. Everyone understands that there is a certain structure and UEFA gives the UAF powers in this area.It isclear that no one will go anywhere."

They agreed to work out the issue of the telepool in more detail at the next meeting in October, when there will be a wide range of participants.

"Theclub presidents agreed to meet on 17 October at the Equides Club. Butkevych invited everyone to watch Ukraine's match against Malta in the Euro 2024 qualifiers together."

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    21.09.2023 22:01
    Совершенно верно! Ринат не для того выстраивал эту "вертикаль", чтобы похерить после одного сходняка возмущённых... Он прекрасно понимает, что надо будет для того, чтобы собака не укусила за ногу - кинуть ей пару сосисек... - надо будет просто плавно удовлетворить (потушить) амбиции "закипевших коллег" не лишая (не уменьшая) полномочия кента - павелки, который уже научился обеспечивать админподдержку шахте.... Задача не простая, но сотворители изящных рейдерских захватов в девяностые и нулевые уж как-то справятся с тем, чтобы аккуратно, как тот младенец, и молока попить и соску на ... (детородный мужской орган из 3 букв) намотать...))))).
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