Oleksandriya employees have not been paid for 4 months

Alexandria employees have not been paid for four months. This was announced by the host of the TaToTake programme Maksym Gilenko.

"The club's employees have not been paid for 4 months. And these are not huge salaries. As of a week ago, this was the case," Gilenko said.

"I heard that this situation is supposed to be resolved in October," added another TaToTake host, Mikhail Spivakovsky.

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  • Vadim - Эксперт
    25.09.2023 17:44
    Як я читаю таке , завжди виникає запитання : а звідки такі гроші з'являться в жовтні , якщо на протязі довгого часу не було зовсім?
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