Miroslav Stupar: "The penalty against Minaj is an absurd, far-fetched decision"

Myroslav Stupar, a well-known referee in the past, analysed a controversial moment in the 43rd minute of the Polissia vs Minaj (2-1) match for the UPL TV Telegram channel.

- The rules clearly state when a foul is recorded - when there was negligence or recklessness, or the use of excessive force. Tverdokhlib stepped on Kushnirenko's foot while landing. There was none of the above in his actions. He simply could not see where he was landing.

In the episode, there was a horse race for the ball in the air. The players couldn't see where they were landing because they were following the ball. This is not a foul. For some reason, experienced referee Balakin, who worked on VAR, invited the rookie referee Yevtukhov to watch the replay. And he took the liberty of awarding a penalty. Although this is an absurd, far-fetched decision. But, as they say, God loves the truth, and Hrytsuk missed the 11-metre penalty.

There are similar episodes in every match. There's a tackle on horseback, then people land, someone can hit someone. So it's a foul everywhere?" said Myroslav Ivanovych.

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  • Борис Бор(Borya111) - Эксперт
    25.09.2023 21:19
    Ступар на чм попал в безвыходную ситуацию. Там не было правильного решения.

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