Myron Markevych: "I do not know what Tsyganik said there. I know that Dnipro was destroyed by Kolomoisky"

Karpaty head coach and former Dnipro coach Myron Markevych has shared his views on the latest developments in the case of the unofficial owner of Dnipro 1, Ihor Kolomoyskyy.

Myron Markevych

- After the collapse of Dnipro some players, coaches and other employees were never paid their debts. How do you perceive the statement of Igor Tsyganik in court, who acted as Kolomoisky's guarantor and spoke about the development of football in Dnipro?

- It was not paid, yes. And how did he develop? He destroyed Dnipro. With a 100-year history. I do not know what Tsyganik said, it is his right to say what he wants. I just know that the football club "Dnipro" destroyed Kolomoisky. That's all. A club with a 100-year history. I do not want to get into it. I'm just stating facts, because I was there. There was a team, Dnipro. And he just destroyed it. There is no famous "Dnipro", they took the championship 2 times, played in the final of the Europa League. And there is no such club. There are clones - that "Dnipro-1", it is unclear what it is. That's what I can say. And who said what - I do not care.

- You do not refuse from claims about debts?

- Why should I? Did I screw things up in there? We worked honestly. The players and me. That's why the club was destroyed - to avoid paying money.

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  • Oleg_Mongol Драконорожденный - Наставник
    26.09.2023 15:04
    в 14году он спасал свое честно награбленное от таких же грабителей только из немытой страны) а еще втихаря соляру продавал военным по ценам кратно выше рыночных)
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