UAF announces its official position in connection with UEFA's admission of Russian U-17 teams to international competitions

The Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) has voiced its official position in connection with UEFA's decision to allow the U-17 teams of the aggressor country, Russia, to participate in international competitions.

"The UAF strongly condemns today's decision by UEFA to return U-17 teams from Russia to international competitions.

The UAF insists on maintaining the previous decisions of UEFA and FIFA to prevent all Russian teams from participating in international competitions under the auspices of these organisations.

The UAF confirms that it will not participate in any competitions involving Russian teams and appeals to other UEFA member associations to boycott possible matches with the participation of teams from the Russian Federation, if they are admitted.

We are convinced that the adoption of such decisions regarding the gradual return of teams from the Russian Federation to participate in competitions in the midst of military operations waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine is groundless and tolerates Russia's aggressive policy.

We strongly urge UEFA to reconsider this decision and leave in force the previous decision to completely suspend any teams from Russia from participating in international competitions," the UAF official website says.

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  • Евгений Алексеев(evgenij-alekseev) - Наставник
    27.09.2023 08:53
    Почему уефовским ушлепкам не написали, сколько украинских детей U17 погибло во время войны? Почему не написали, сколько украинских детей было вынуждено покинуть территорию страны? Почему не написали, сколько детей фашисты угнали к себе в берлогу? Без этих цифр все написанное - классическая пустая, никому не нужная озабоченность
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