Urgent! Nice midfielder threatens suicide by jumping off a bridge (PHOTO)

Nice midfielder Alexis Beka Beka is now on the edge of the A8 bridge in the city and is ready to commit suicide.

According to RMC Sport, the reason for such an act is Beka Beka's breakup with his girlfriend. A psychologist and rescue services have already headed to the scene.

It should be noted that Beka Beka moved to Nice in the summer from Lokomotiv Moscow for 12 million euros.

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Best comment
  • Tomas Torquemada - Наставник
    29.09.2023 15:29
    Ему бы с Поповым и Супрягой пообщаться .
    Эти враз объяснят что из-за юбки в подобный полет стремиться не стоит .
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