Ivan Getsko: "Moving to Dynamo, I would have to give up my flat in Odessa. And I just made repairs"

Former Ukraine national team striker Ivan Getsko told why he refused to move to Dynamo Kyiv at the peak of his career.

Ivan Getsko

- The way to the national team for many lay through Dynamo Kyiv, didn't Lobanovsky call you to him? What guided you to say "no" to him?

- We saw him secretly in Kyiv. We had an individual conversation. I came to the game with Kyiv team as a member of Chernomorets. I think it was in 1991. We flew out in the morning, at 12 o'clock we were in Kyiv. At two o'clock we had lunch, and at seven in the evening - the game. On the plane Prokopenko said that they wanted to talk to me in Kiev. I also asked him, "What should I do? What should I talk to them about?"

They picked me up right at Boryspil airport, put me in a car and brought me to some flat. I went in and saw Lobanovsky. We talked to him for about 40 minutes. He said that he intended to create a capable team at Dynamo in the near future. Although he was still working in the Emirates at that time. It seems that he was passing by in Kyiv.

- And what did Valeriy Vasilyevich said ?

- He said that he needed me and he would like me to move to Kyiv. At that moment I was on emotions, I insinuated myself that I could play good football. I can say that I got the star disease. I also asked Lobanovsky, what will happen to my flat in Odessa? I have a service flat. He said that it would have to be given away. How to give it away? And I just made repairs (smiling).

When Lobanovsky said about the move, I hesitated. I said that I was not ready to go to Kiev, because of Chernobyl - I have small children, my wife would not agree to move. At that time I put the safety of my family in the first place, not football. After the meeting with Lobanovsky I was brought to the hotel. I had time to have lunch, had some rest and went to the game.

- And how did you play with Dynamo?

- We beat Kyiv - 1:0, and I scored the winning goal (on 19 October 1991, we played at the Republican Stadium, Getsko scored a goal after a corner kick with a header - author). By the way, Lobanovsky did not head Dynamo at that time.

Oleksandr Petrov

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  • Володимир - Наставник
    29.09.2023 19:22
    Лобановський тренував Динамо до вересня 1990 року. В 1990 році поїхав в Емірати, звідти в Кувейт. Повернувся в Україну і знову очолив Динамо аж в січні 1997 року. Не думаю що йому було зручно і доцільно в 1991 році кидати Емірати і приїзджати в Україну на конспіративну квартиру щоб завербувати Гецка на всяк випадок для майбутнього переходу в Динамо.
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