Ruslan Rotan: "We didn't slow down, we just understood who we were playing with"

Oleksandriya head coach Ruslan Rotan commented on the 2-4 defeat to Dynamo, in particular, by answering the following questions: "Why did your players "slow down the pace of the game" at 2:2?"

Ruslan Rotan

- "I won't say that we lost the pace and didn't want to play. We made substitutions only when our players were injured. No one slowed down the pace. That's the first thing. And secondly, we understand who we are playing against. "Dynamo are better than us today. So we did fall short in terms of skills, but we were fine with the desire. All our young players are talented, but they need time. More than half of our newcomers did not go through training camp with us, we selected them during the season," Rotan said on the Football Hub YouTube channel.
