Oleksandr Pikhalenok: "A lot of our game was moulded to Dovbik's style of attack completion"

Dnipro Dnipro 1 midfielder Oleksandr Pikhalenok spoke about the adaptation to the departure of striker Artem Dovbik to Spanish side Girona, as well as the changes brought to the team's game by its new head coach Yuriy Maksimov.

Oleksandr Pikhalenok. Photo - scdnipro1.com.ua

"After Artem moved to Girona, of course, it became more difficult. A lot of things in our game were built for his style of finishing attacks, so it took some time to reorganise. Now we seem to have found our game, so things are gradually getting better.

What has changed with the arrival of Yuriy Maximov? He gives us a clear understanding of what kind of football he would like to play. The discipline has become tougher. I think this is the key change," - Pikhalenok's words are quoted by the official website of the UPL.
