Volodymyr Sharan: "I was surprised when we were not assigned a video replay system for the match against Shakhtar"

Minaj's head coach Volodymyr Sharan commented on refereeing in the Ukrainian league, recalling the recent match against Shakhtar.

Vladimir Sharan

6th round. "Minaj vs Shakhtar

52 minutes

Foul by Konoplya against Tverdokhlib.

65 minutes

Foul by Sudakov against Ralyuchenko.

"I was surprised when we were not assigned a video replay system for the match against Shakhtar. With the score 0-1 for a foul at Tverdokhlib, the referees had much more reason to point to the spot than they did in Kyiv against Dynamo for an alleged offence by Panasenko. The referee in the game against the Shakhtar did not even hesitate, but was 5-6 metres away from the incident. Experts said after the game that the penalty was, as they say, "50-50". But then what was the percentage ratio in the moment with the penalty in our goal in the match against Dynamo?

In the same game, Sudakov should have been sent off. The referee limited himself to a warning, and a couple of minutes later, Shakhtar's striker scored our third goal. Moreover, the visitors also started their scoring attack with a violation of the rules - Matvienko pushed Gunichev away near his goal. Even our photographer caught this moment - the defender's hands on the shoulders of our striker. We should have been entitled to a dangerous free kick, but instead we got an attack on our goal and a goal.

Such a defeat has a psychological impact on the guys. They did not deserve this score. I agree that we did not play for a draw, but we did not deserve a crushing defeat either.

It is very interesting that despite Dmytro Bondarenko's gross mistake, recognised by the referees' committee, he was appointed for the 7th round. He worked as a VAR referee at the LNZ vs Rukh match," Sharan said.

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  • Валентин 21(Valentin-21) - Эксперт
    07.10.2023 13:50
    Очень интересно, что несмотря на признанную комитетом арбитров грубую ошибку Дмитрия Бондаренко, его назначили на 7-й тур. На матче „ЛНЗ“ — „Рух“ он работал арбитром VAR», — сказал Шаран.

    Интересно, не тот ли это Дмитрий Бондаренко из Одессы, сидевший вчера в будке VARа, и останавливавший ТРИ раза игру Полесье - Динамо, в первом тайме, когда Динамо уходило в контратаку, для пересмотра эпизода в штрафной Динамо - типа "а не было ли там чего?"
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