The 2034 World Cup is likely to be held in Saudi Arabia

The 2034 World Cup is likely to be held in Saudi Arabia, the Daily Mail reports.

"A World Cup in Saudi Arabia in 2034 is not just likely, it's actually a done deal. Money has spoken again, this event will bring FIFA billions," a source close to the situation said.

FIFA had earlier announced that the 2034 World Cup would be open only to participants from Asia and Oceania. It was then that Saudi Arabia confirmed its bid. This has really angered Australia, which is also bidding to host the tournament.

Saudi Arabia is expected to get a majority of 47 votes in Asia and all 54 votes in Africa.

It is noted that FIFA president Gianni Infantino is close to Saudi Arabia's ruler Mohammed bin Salman, and is no doubt looking forward to billions of dollars flowing into FIFA's coffers in the coming years through sponsorship deals with Saudi Arabia.

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