Francesco Baranca: "I am sure there is no corruption scheme behind the referees' mistakes"

The head of the UAF Ethics and Fair Play Committee, Francesco Baranca, told that there was no corruption component behind the Ukrainian referees' mistakes.

Francesco Baranca

"When there was an investigation in 2018, I was in touch with the Referees Committee. A close liaison. And when there were some mistakes that were not accidental, but because of corruption, they were the first to report: 'Look, there is something strange here'."

Again, I don't want to judge referees, because it's not my job, and I don't even know how to do it. But I am definitely convinced that there is no corruption scheme on these mistakes. And in general, no one ever provides us with any evidence about it," Baranka said.

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  • Сергей Сантин(santana-s) - Начинающий писатель
    09.10.2023 15:05
    І це чучело далі буде отримувати гроші ні за що???? Воно так упевнене в чесності сіддів які кожного туру створюють зашквари? Гнати цю погань разом з лучами-ріццолями у свою Італію! В Італії їх за те що вони творять в Україні давно виперли б з усіх навколофутбольних структур поганою мітлою, а тут, бач, присмокталися, тварюки!!!!
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