Francesco Baranca: "Lie detection for arbitrators will be the end of the world, because it will be a big fight, everyone against

Francesco Baranka, chairman of the UAF Ethics and Fair Play Committee, told why he does not support the idea of lie detector testing of referees.

Francesco Baranca

"Another thing is that I heard a proposal for a lie detector. That every time a referee makes a mistake, let's take a lie detector. So next week, when a player makes a mistake, I will go to him and say: "Let's take a lie detector". Do you understand that this will be the end of the world? Because it will be a big fight, everyone against everyone.

And I would like to say one more thing about the lie detector. We are the only federation in the world to have won three match-fixing cases in CAS: the Olimpika case, the [Taras] Durai case and the [Oleksandr] Sevidov case. We have a lot of respect in CAS. And if we go to CAS for the first time and say that we have disqualified a referee on the basis of a lie detector, we will cease to be part of the European football community. This is another problem," Baranka said.

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  • vitaliy - Старожил
    10.10.2023 09:53
    баранку та і всіх італійців не треба питати, що вони думають про наш футбол,їх треба сцяними тряпками гнати з нашого футболу.
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