Polissya midfielder: "Dynamo with and without Yarmolenko are two different teams"

Zhytomyr Polissya midfielderArtem Kozak spoke about the victory over Dynamo in the Ukrainian championship.

Artem Kozak (photo: polissyafc.com)

- Artem, how did Yurii Kalytvintsev set up the team for the game against Dynamo?

- There was no special set-up, everyone understood that we were playing against Dynamo, so the coach didn't even say anything unnecessary. There were few words in the dressing room, the team was waiting for the match as soon as possible.

- Polissia conceded a quick goal, but they didn't lose heart and played back, and in the minority they made an incredible comeback, scoring twice in six minutes. What made this happen?

- Nothing special happened. The guys encouraged each other, we showed character and played for ourselves and the suspended Morozko. We showed that we can do anything! Even in the minority, we outplayed Dynamo. An ambitious team gathered in Polissia, professionals who understood the price of victory. In every match, we play for only three points.

- You became a real hero of the match, giving an assist to Budkivskyi and then scoring the winning goal. Let's start with the assist. Was the corner kick a home-made set piece?

- Of course, it was a set piece. I knew that Budkivsky would be in that area, and I was looking for him there with a pass. It turned out to be a good pass, Pylyp took the ball very well and scored from a corner.

- Now tell us about your goal.

- I was going for the rebound because I knew there would be a discount from Budkivskyi. When the ball came to me, I saw a free bottom corner and didn't hesitate to shoot to the right to the far post. It turned out well.

- Did Dynamo surprise you in any way or were you prepared for such a game?

- Dynamo did not surprise me in any way. We knew that the game would be played at high speeds and prepared for it. We were also confident that we would have chances in attack and we just needed to use them. We knew exactly what we were going to do on the pitch and how we were going to do it. Yuriy Mykolayovych [Kalitvintsev] had prepared us well for a week. Everything turned out exactly as we wanted it to.

- Do you think it helped Polissia that Yarmolenko was absent from Dynamo?

- I don't know how it would have been, but Andriy is a very strong footballer, despite his age. He would have given 100% of the momentum on the pitch. "Dynamo with him and without him are two different teams. Yarmolenko is a great master and all Ukrainian players respect him.

- What did Kalitvintsev tell you after the match?

- Nothing special. Everyone was happy with the game and congratulated each other. We'll enjoy a day or two, have a rest, and then get back to work - preparing for Vorskla's next game. It will also be a difficult match away from home.

Andrii Piskun

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    10.10.2023 14:55
    Здесь рассказано, как реагируют игроки Полесья на свой выигрыш у Динамо. Всё зависит от того с чьей стороны смотреть. Пользователи этого портала в основном смотрят на события, связанные с игрой Полесье - Динамо, со стороны Динамо и поэтому там, где игроки Полесья радуются, для болельщиков Динамо - это огорчение, что команда мастеров, выигрывая 2:1 у дебютанта УПЛ, играющего в меньшинстве, умудряется пропустит два гола и проиграть игру. И эта игра была проиграна не потому, что противник был сильнее, а потому, что горе-футболисты подумали, что игра уже выиграна и три очка уже в кармане. Сколько лет играют в футбол и наверняка знают, что, если только расслабишься, то обязательно будет наказание. Знают, но всё равно многократно наступают на одни и те же грабли. И этому есть название - низкий профессионализм. А в этом уже виноваты все: и руководство команды, и сами игроки.
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