Journalist tells how Luchi "punishes referees with the hryvnia"

Journalist Igor Semyon has published interesting information from the Italian supervisor of the Ukrainian judiciary, Luciano Luci.

Luciano Luci

"Luciano Luci admitted that in the match between Minaj and Shakhtar, referee Dmytro Bondarenko made a mistake: he did not send off Sudakov for a foul against Ralyuchenko (65th minute). After that, Bondarenko was not suspended from refereeing... but simply transferred to the VAR (three matches over the next month and another as a field referee), which Luciano Luci considers sufficient punishment, because it seems to hit his earnings.

According to the supervisor, the on-field referees receive 39 thousand hryvnias per match. VAR referees get six thousand hryvnias. Therefore, transfer to the VAR, rather than a complete suspension, is sufficient punishment, according to Luchi, because it causes considerable financial losses.

At the same time, Luci also admitted that the HACC arbitrators do not bear any responsibility. "That is, if you made a mistake, were transferred to VAR, and in the next match (already on VAR) you also made a mistake, you can easily take your six thousand hryvnias, and all responsibility will fall... on the referee on the field," Semion wrote in Telegram.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    12.10.2023 01:03
    Ущіпніть мене!
    За півтора години ходьби по полю, ці п...раси отримують по 39000 грн(!!!!!!)?!!
    Та вони за ці гроші зобов'язані не тільки якісно та чесно судити матч, а поле косити і з відра поливати!!!
    Краще б ці виродки не називали ці суми виплат!
    P. S.тепер зрозуміло, чому в дитячих футбольних школах та секціях, немає коштів не тільки на м'ячі, а й форму та переїзди, батьки оплачують!!!
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