Celtic fans: "Why are Ukrainian lives considered more sacred than Palestinian lives?"

Celtic fan group Green Brigade has issued a scandalous statement commenting on their club's statement condemning the display of Palestinian flags at the Champions League match against Lazio (1-2).

Photo: gettyimages.com

"Following the recent statement by the Celtic board, we would like to reiterate our firm belief that we and other football fans have the right to express our political views in the stands, just as ordinary citizens do elsewhere.

Football remains one of the few areas of public life where the working class has genuine political activism. The club's elitist board will not dictate their will to us. They have repeatedly shown their disregard for Celtic's history and tradition.

Our club was born out of hunger and oppression, the result of colonial rule, death and mass displacement. Because of this history, Celtic fans have become known for their empathy and solidarity. "Celtic are always on the side of the oppressed and disadvantaged.

Unfortunately, the current hypocrisy of the club's board of directors coincides with the hypocrisy of much of the political and media class, exemplified by Ukraine. Political messages about Ukraine were welcomed at Celtic Park then, but are now condemned in relation to Palestine. The question any intelligent person should ask is "Why?". Why are the lives of Ukrainians considered more sacred than those of Palestinians?

Green Brigade remains as unwavering in its support for the Palestinian people as ever. We have supported many Palestinian projects throughout our history and have developed close relationships with refugee camps for over a decade, culminating in the establishment of Celtic Academy in Bethlehem, Palestine.

We express our sincere solidarity and pray for our friends across Palestine at this time of sorrow, when much of the international community is once again on the side of the cowards and war crimes are being committed against a largely defenceless population.

"On 25 October against Atletico Madrid, we ask all Celtic fans to raise the Palestinian flag at the UEFA Champions League match and show the world that Celtic FC supports the oppressed, not the oppressors," Green Brigade said in a statement on its Twitter page.

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  • Epitaph , King Crimson (Перевертун) - Эксперт
    12.10.2023 15:38
    може тому що саме палестинці 7 жовтня напали на ізраїльтян , а не навпаки.
    Напали віроломно , жертв серед мирного населення дуже багато .
    Якщо хтось скаже , що це напали бойовики та терористи , а мирні жителі невинні янголи то це неправда , дуже багато мирних жителей Палестини знали про підготовку до збройного вторгнення , але мовчали в бажанні насолоджуватися результатом кровавого побоїща.
    Ізраїль винен у тому , що не готувався до війни , забув головну тезу - Хочеш Миру , готуйся до Війни.
    Як до речі і Україна . 'Нічого віроломного'(це не цинізм) з боку наросії я не бачу , ми давно вже 'не браття'.
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