Georgiy Sudakov: "After we scored, we got physically hooked"

Ukraine midfielder Heorhii Sudakov commented on the 2-0 victory over North Macedonia in the Euro 2024 qualifiers.

Georgy Sudakov (photo:

- I think everyone saw how good the Macedonians' team is. It was also difficult to play with them on the road. Before the goal, we played confidently with the ball, but after we scored, we probably got a little bit physically tired and started playing in our own half. The opponents started attacking more actively, and we had difficulties. In addition, we didn't make many chances, so it turned out to be a tense game.

The rain? It didn't affect us in any way. The pitch was fast. This is perfect weather for football. Of course, the ricochet helped in my goal. I hit the near post, the goalkeeper rushed to one corner, and the ball flew into the other.

Tomorrow we already have a flight to Malta, a difficult road and a game in two days. I think it will be a tough away game, so we are already preparing for it," the Donetsk man said on the TV.
