Two employees of Kryvbas escaped from Ukraine

Two employees of Kryvbas: SMM-specialist Roman Lopatin and photographer Roman Medvedev did not return to Ukraine with the team. This is reported by

According to the source, this event happened a month before the Women's Champions League, when Kryvbas played friendly matches in Europe.

The club did not contribute to this escape in any way. On the contrary, Kryvbas appealed to the police, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and border guards on this occasion.

Recall, on 6 September, the women's team "Kryvbas" played away with "Paris" (0:4), 9 September - away to "Linköping" (0:3). Both matches took place in Sweden.

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  • Vadim - Эксперт
    16.10.2023 08:36
    То якби були інші ТЦК то вони б пішли добровольцями на фронт ?!!
    Не смішіть мене і людей!!
    Хто втікає ?! Патріоти і добровольці ?
    Не хочуть захищати країну от і втікли!!
    ТЦК хороший якщо не призиває і не мобілізує , а як прийшла повістка- ТЦК не такий !!
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