"Bayern Munich comments on Nussair Mazraoui's article on support for Palestine

"Bayern Munich has issued a statement following defender Noussair Mazraoui's public support for Palestine.

Nussair Mazraoui, Getty Images

"Bayern Munich immediately contacted Noussair Mazraoui following his posts on Instagram on Sunday. The player is currently in Africa with the Moroccan national team. A detailed personal conversation with him is planned upon his return with the participation of the Munich club's management.

"Everyone, including every employee and every player, knows what values Bayern stands for. We expressed this publicly and unequivocally in a statement issued after the attack on Israel. We are concerned about our friends in Israel and stand in solidarity with them.

At the same time, we hope for the peaceful coexistence of all people in the Middle East," Bayern & Germany quoted the statement as saying, citing DPA.
