Serhiy Sydorchuk: "How can you celebrate the victory of the Ukrainian national team when you see the news of a hit in your homet

Former Dynamo captain Serhiy Sydorchuk reacted to Russia's missile attack on his hometown of Zaporizhzhia.

Sergey Sidorchuk

"The national team's matches will never be the same as before. Nothing will be as it used to be. We can no longer rejoice, forgetting everything.

How can you celebrate the victory of the national team when you see the news of a hit in your hometown? The apartment building, the night, the dead... Again! 601 days of war.

At this very moment, as I am writing this post, I am seeing news about the alarm, explosions, and hits in the Dnipro region. There are no words...

During training camps and matches, we focus on the game, it saves us psychologically. And after that, only help from our military and volunteer funds, family and work can save us. So we continue our work. There is no other way," Sydorchuk wrote on his Instagram.

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  • Дэви Аркадьев(Devi) - Эксперт
    18.10.2023 17:37
    Матчи сборной никогда не будут такими, как раньше. Ничего не будет, как раньше. Мы больше не можем радоваться, забыв обо всем.
    А читая такое откровение игрока главной команды Украины, проникаешься ещё бОльшим уважением к этому по-человечески мыслящему украинцу...
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