Laporta: "Real Madrid used Negreira case to tarnish Barcelona's name

Barcelona president Joan Laporta has spoken out about the scandalous Negreira case, which has been discussed quite actively in the last few months.

Joan Laporta, Getty Images

- The central government has a sociological madridism. I fought against it and won. I am defending the interests of Barcelona. We are used to this struggle, we are used to the fact that Madridism is covered in the media and in the world of sports. As for the Negreira case, we'll see if it goes to court. I am a lawyer and I am calm because this case has no chance of success. We have a very good team of lawyers. Madrid used the Negreira case to tarnish the name of Barcelona and its history and destabilise us," said Joan Laporta.

"The Negreira affair is Barcelona's accusation of bribes to José María Enriquez Negreira, who served as vice president of the Spanish Football Federation's Technical Committee of Referees. From 2001 to 2018, Negreira received €7.3 million from the Catalans.
