Former Dynamo midfielder Mykola Moroziuk recalled how at one time he did not want to prolong his agreement with the capital club, but the president of the Bilo-Syni Igor Surkis outwitted him.

"When I was on loan at Obolon, I had a year of the contract with Dynamo left, and I refused to sign a newone.Surkis did not want to let me go on loan for a year, and I wanted to then go to another team on a full-fledged basis. We persuaded him (Surkis) for a long time. Even Maksimov asked to let me go," said Moroziuk.
Moroziuk hid from Igor Surkis for three months, not answering any phone calls, but he failed to escape from the Dynamo boss. Once Mykola decided to go incognito to the stadium and watch the game "white-blue", where he was "burned".
"I'm in a dirty uniform, straight from training, not washed, I come to Dynamo, park, go to the ticket office, take a ticket and into the car. I see the guards standing around my car. And just a finger like this - Igor Mikhailovich said: "To my office". That's it, there's nowhere to go.
"He says, 'What kind of salary do you want? Let's do it this way: I give you a piece of paper and I give you a piece of paper, we write two sums: whoever has more, we agree on that one." I thought: it's better to write more than less. I wrote it, and it turned out to be more. He said: "Is that okay?" - "Yes."I signed it and left in shock," Moroziuk said.