Vyacheslav Shevchuk: "Shovkovskiy deserves a chance to become a head coach after Lucescu more than any other ex-Dynamo player".

Former Shakhtar and Ukraine national team defender Vyacheslav Shevchuk has expressed his opinion on who should lead Dynamo after Mircea Lucescu.

Vyacheslav Shevchuk

"Everything can be. Shovkovskiy has been working as a coach for a long time. He has given a lot of years to Dynamo Kyiv, has experience of working in the Ukrainian national team and with Mircea Lucescu.... As for me, he deserves the chance to become the head coach after Mister more than any other ex-Dinamo player.

I do not think that it will raise the degree of confrontation, as Shovkovskiy and Darijo were in excellent relations. On the pitch, of course, there will be a fight, but off the pitch everything will be normalised. There will be no excesses, I am sure of it," Shevchuk said.

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  • Hennadii Volvo(gesha86) - Опытный писатель
    21.10.2023 17:41
    Це з якого переляку? Він має якісь досягнення тренером? Може він вивів якусь команду з другої ліги в першу? Чи з першої в вищу? Немає чого лізти в Динамо, якщо немаєш досвіду і конкретного результату з іншими командами.
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