Vladyslav Vashchuk: "We will win. Everything will be fine"

Former Dynamo defender Vladyslav Vashchuk, who joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces in May, posted another frontline post on Facebook.

Vladislav Vashchuk

"Wars have existed in the world for as long as humanity has existed. They are of a different nature, have different causes and scale, but always mean blood, destruction and disaster.

Only Faith, Love and Hope can save lives in difficult times. Faith that everything will be fine. Love as a means not to lose happiness and humanity. And hope that victory will be certain.

We will win. Everything will be fine. How long is that winter..." Vlad wrote and added a photo.

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  • Геннадий(gron) - Опытный писатель
    22.10.2023 19:31
    Респект , Влад!!! Однозначно мы Победим и спасём Мир от этой чумы
    • 3