Ihor Tsyhanik: "Silk's authority! He's like Srna"

Journalist Ihor Tsyhanyk answered the question about the possible replacement of Dynamo's head coach in his author's programme Tsyhanyk Live: Lucescu - Shovkovsky.

Igor Tsyganik

- Shovkovsky is an authority! Shovkovskyi is like Srna at Shakhtar. He can get players even with his name. Even for a short period of time, he can give the impetus that is needed. Sometimes in such moments you need a stressful person and a stressful story. And a person of authority who can shout and yell. Someone who can get what other coaches can't. That's why Shovkovskyi could do it, and I think that after Lucescu he will," Tsyganik said.

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  • СЕРГЕЙ ЗУЕВ(AKKOR) - Наставник
    24.10.2023 19:28
    Я вот все думаю,до каких пор на нашем сайте будут появляться высказывания этого совершенно недалекого человека.Про внутренний мир этого приспособленца и его стойкую любовь к коломойскому,я даже не упоминаю.
    Ну просто противно смотреть на эту осточертевшую рожу!!
    • 13