"This is complete nonsense", - in "Veres" ruled out the option with the resignation of the head coach

Acting sports director of Rivne "Veres" Yuriy Gabovda denied the information that the head coach of the first team of the club Sergey Lavrynenko is threatened with immediate resignation in case of failure in the next match, with "Minay".

Yuriy Gabovda. Photo - football24.ua

"I have seen these throw-ins too. What can I say? This is complete nonsense, the team is working in a normal mode, there is no hysteria, panic and chaos in the club. Head coach Lavrinenko has full confidence in the team, and there is no talk of resignation. I do not understand and do not know who and why they launch such misinformation in the public space. Perhaps it is favourable for some people to introduce imbalance in our team before an important match," SportArena quoted Gabovda as saying.
