A non-country of clowns. Russia wants to host Euro 2036 or 2040

Clowns in laptops living in the territory called "Russia" want to hold the European Championship in 2036 or 2040. Maxim Mitrofanov, general secretary of the Russian Football Union (RFU), made such a statement.

"As you know, last year we submitted a bid for Euro 2028, it was rejected not on any formal grounds, but based on the current situation. Exactly with this wording. They say that we cannot make a decision because we do not know what will happen in 2028.

Nevertheless, we are more than confident that our country is ready to host a competition such as the World Cup or European Championship at any time. So I believe that as soon as we have the opportunity to compete for these kinds of projects, we should do it. Because Russia will definitely do it better than any other country.

If we don't receive bids, what else can we do? Nevertheless, there are the European Championships in 2036 and 2040. We are quite capable of holding these tournaments and are ready to submit a bid at any time," Match TV quoted Mitrofanov as saying.

Recall, the hosts of the next three European Championships have already been determined. Euro 2024 will be hosted by Germany, Euro 2028 - Ireland and Great Britain, Euro 2032 - Italy and Turkey.

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  • vasyel volyn - Начинающий писатель
    27.10.2023 09:57
    сподіваюся що до того часу такої країни уже не існуватиме, тому нехай мріють, це ж поки ще не заборонено, але це єдине що їм лишилося, тихенько мріяти в куточку щоб їхній диктатор скоріше згинув.
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