UAF once again asks UEFA to take decisive action against the lawlessness of the Russian Federation

The Ukrainian Football Association has sent an official letter to UEFA asking it to take decisive measures regarding the possible integration of football clubs from the occupied territories of Ukraine into the tournaments of the aggressor country.

"We are forced to address once again the issue on which we have repeatedly communicated with you over the past year, namely the illegal actions of the Russian terrorist state and the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian state and football. In this case, it is about the attempts to integrate football clubs from the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine into the Russian national championships, which is currently moving forward without any obstacles or restrictions. Despite the legal aspect, according to which UEFA granted the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea a special status in 2014, which should ensure its protection from Russia's aggressive behaviour.

Recently, Russian Deputy Sports Minister Odes Baisultanov said that football clubs from the occupied territories of Ukraine should be included in Russian championships, noting that the exclusion of Crimean clubs from the second division of the Russian championship in 2014, in accordance with UEFA's requirements, was a mistake, and Russia "should not be concerned about the position of UEFA and FIFA.

We are more than concerned about the way the situation is developing and ask UEFA to pay special attention and take decisive action regarding the above violation, lawlessness and extreme disrespect for the entire football family," the UAF letter reads.
